In the first 2 hours, I experienced 100 nuclear explosions, had dinner with Jaques Cousteau and slept with Pamela Anderson. After a week and a half I had been living with 7 mennonite communities, been growing purple haze in the mountains of Jamaica, had attempted Milosevitch's trial,met the most tatooed man in the world, spent six months in Brooklyn´s worst crack house and rode Robert Kennedy's funeral train.
It's not the first time I come across such experience, its actually the 3rd. The first time was in Rockport Maine.Unfortunately slash thank god, I was way too in love at the time to realize anything about it.The name of the place was Timothy Whelans bookstore. The second time was 2 years ago in Oaxaca, Mexico at Centro Fotográfico Alvarez Bravo.At that time, I did realize enough of what was going on to change my plans and stick around for a few months, but not enough to fully absorb it all...I still wasn't ready I guess...
This time around, I had to adapt my whole weekly schedule in order to satisfy my obsessiveneed of going through every single book that store had on shelf.I am now in Barcelona and the name of the bookstore is Kowasa.
A few years ago, cinema genuis Andrei Tarkovsky (above polaroid was taken from a beautiful little book called Andrei Tarkovsky's polaroids) said that it was impossible to pass on experiences to others or learn from other's...That we had to live our own experience, that we could not inherit it and that unfortunately, by the time we had enough of our own, we no longer had the time to use it...
That now leaves me very perplexed.
I do beleive strongly in Mr. Tarkovsky's theory but I also am a strong beleiver in the way my guts feel period.And right now they do feel like they have knowledge in all of those fields,as akward and random as they are.
So I ask the following questions:
what is it that we cannot inherit?
Is it the pain, the happiness?
The sum of all stimulus involved in experiencing?
Have I inherited something?
Have I inherited anything?
Is it possible to partially inherit from someone else's experience
and change our own consequently?
Is that what we are trying to aim at when we teach others?
Did I just spotted a hole in Mr.Tarkovsky's shirt?
Could Neanderthal men and women dream OF A falling bridge? (...they never saw one...)
When I dream that my mother is being chewed on alive by phosphorescent high pitch screaming hyenas....(actual dream).......why do I wake up scared, sweating and with a fast heart beat?
Did I experience that for real.....?
Could any input (wether it be images, words, smell, touch or sounds) help
create directly or indirectlyan experience?
create directly or indirectlyan experience?
Is Mr.Tarkovsky theory under-estimating or neglecting the power of the subcounscious and its role in the experiencing/learning/decision making process?